Do you know how the power of video can promote your business?
Show Your Events Off In The Best Possible Way.
Do You Use Video To Show What You Do?

Apart from actually being there, only a video can capture the buzz and excitement of an event, exhibition, conference or  live show.  A video is the ideal tool to demonstrate what an amazing show you can put on.

We are experienced in filming many different types of events and capturing all those key moments

You know how amazing your leisure attraction is.  You know how much your visitors love it when they get there.  But how can you bring to that to life and really show the sights and sounds that your visitors experience?

Websites, text and photographs are good but they don’t really do it justice – with a video you’re not just telling potential visitors what you’ve got to offer, you’re showing them.  They can see exactly what’s on offer, you can immerse them in the action and they can really get a taste of what they can expect.

People respond better to a video and there’s so much you can do with it such as:

  • Showcase your venue and everything it has to offer

  • Show testimonials from satisfied customers and visitors

  • Promote special events and promotions

  • Send it to your customer database via email

  • Distribute across all your social media platforms

  • Advertise on You Tube, websites, TV and cinema

Video on your website also helps with Search Engine Optimisation – meaning you get found more often on Google, Bing & other search engines.  It also means that visitors to your site will stay there longer giving a greater opportunity for them to be engaged with your brand and make that all important online booking.

To find out more, get a quote or ask any questions contact us here or on 0121 551 2079.

Get Funding To Pay For Your Marketing Activity – Including Video

You may be eligible to receive funding to pay for a marketing video.  There are many funding streams available particularly for marketing actvity, for further information click the Business Development Grant document link below and for more detailed please contact Alison Bradley of Central Finance on 0845 519 7845 or  Don’t forget to mention CMA Video when you speak to Alison.

Our Events Industry Client Videos

Contact us for more information on how video can work for you. But don’t take our word for it, this is some of our work on events recently:

Birmingham Metropolitan College (BMET) Skills Show Exhibition Stand

Uses: Featured on college website and intranet site, demonstartion video to sponsors and potential sponsors

Play Video

Sainsbury’s Birmingham School Games

Uses: Sales tool to attract new sponsors, featured on website, emailed to participants, featured in email newsletter, distributed via social media

Play Video