Drone Filming

Elevate Your story: Expert Drone Filming Services

Drone Filming and Hire Services in Birmingham

Nestled in the bustling heart of Birmingham and extending our services nationwide, CMA Video stands as your go-to expert for drone filming services. Our approach to drone filming sets us apart, offering a unique visual perspective that traditional cameras can’t match.

Aerial filming is a game-changer, allowing you to showcase the full scale of your event, business, or warehouses in a way that standard cameras fall short. It’s like having a bird’s-eye view that captures everything in a single frame.

Drone shot inside the Mailbox with retail stores on the left and right.
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Why Choose Drone Filming?

Our aerial shots bring a fresh and unique perspective to your brand, enhancing the visual impact of any video project—whether it’s showcasing the sleek interiors of your office, tracking the graceful movement of your vehicles, or highlighting construction milestones from above.

Drone filming offers the novelty that can set your brand apart. It provides a captivating vantage point that not only captures attention but also leaves a lasting impression. The immersive quality of aerial footage allows your audience to see the bigger picture, quite literally.

Runners in a crop circle in an ariel view

What are Drone Filming Laws in the UK?

Navigating the skies with drones for commercial purposes comes with its set of regulations in the UK. The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) oversees and regulates drone filming. Operators must adhere to strict guidelines, including maintaining a clear line of sight, avoiding congested areas, and obtaining a Permission for Commercial Operations.

Understanding these regulations is crucial not only for legal reasons but also to ensure the safety and responsible use of drone technology.

Screenshot of a drone clip from a video produced by CMA Video.

Drone Filming Prices?

Now, let’s talk numbers. The cost of drone filming in the UK can vary based on project requirements. On average, prices range from £500 to £2,500 per day. Factors such as location, duration, and complexity of the shoot influence costs. These figures offer a general reference, but for a precise quote tailored to your unique project needs, contact us

Understanding the budgetary considerations of your project is a key aspect of our collaboration. We strive to provide not only exceptional drone filming services but also a transparent and flexible pricing structure.

drone filming,drone video

Ready to get started on your next video project?