Website video background projects are becoming an increasingly popular request amongst our clients as we create two more for customers in the coming weeks.  A new twist on how to use corporate video for businesses is bringing new life into a medium that already has a plethora of engaging and creative uses.  As websites and website visitors become more sophisticated, the website video background loop seems to be an increasingly relevant and creative use of video production.

Firstly for us, a new client, Scruffy Dog commissioned us to film a video background for their website project at multiple locations in London and Birmingham.  Focusing on the different aspects of their operations the video shows everything from the design and consultation element of the company’s service through to the build and delivery of their stands and products.  Scruffy Dog were also keen to demonstrate their London and Birmingham locations and highlight the proximity of their premises to the likes of Tower Bridge and Canary Wharf in London as well as the location of their Birmingham operation to the city centre.

In contrast, one of our existing clients, Sport Birmingham, are also looking for a video background for their website.  This is a slightly different type of production in that we already have the footage and we need to edit existing clips into a 30 second video.  Having worked for and filmed Sport Birmingham corporate videos over a five year period, our library of footage is very extensive and covers a huge variety of sports as well as age groups, abilities and locations.  The remit for the Sport Birmingham website video background is to show the diversity of sports they are involved with across Birmingham.  Having filmed the Inclusive Sports Fest since it’s inception, Turkish Airlines School Games, Sport England initiatives and much more there is plenty of original footage to choose from.

Our blog on the increase in popularity of video background work recently highlighted this latest trend in website and video marketing and its only getting bigger as we receive more and more requests for this type of video production.

Website Video Background Benefits & Things To Consider


Flr group logo

The benefits are multiple for a website video background.  In it’s purest form the video can serve as an additional ‘advert’ for your product or services demonstrating key features or traits constantly while visitors are on the site.  Looking more creatively it could be used a ‘meet the team’ opportunity and can show visitors to the site who the staff at the company are and also project the company culture if its done in the correct way. 

One other method is to tell a story.  Another of our clients, FLR Group, used their video to share their story ranging from how their process takes place from initial ordering to final installation complete with time lapse video of a floor being installed.  However the video is made, it is the ideal opportunity to engage with site visitors and keep them on the site for longer – studies have shown that visitors spend up to 2.6x more time on pages with video than without.  This blog on Wistia talks about how video increased dwell time on their website and the impact that has had.

Conversely however it is also important to use website video backgrounds in the right way.  Our digital team have found that the home page is the ideal location but its not necessarily right to include a video background on every page of the site.  Whilst engaging visitors is important, annoying them is detrimental so overusing the video background concept is not recommended – it has been recognised that including a video on your website can increase conversion by up to 80% but that video should still be something that engages.  Its also important to consider that in the age of mobile friendly websites, not all users may have a mobile device that deals with a video background.  Our digital team have also recognised that videos with sound are not received well as most users will either find this incredibly annoying or it may cause issues when visitors are viewing websites, particularly if they watching in a confined or public space.

As video backgrounds for websites become more commonplace it is almost becoming an expected element of website design.  Our portfolio of these types of video production is growing every week and our production team will be more than happy to help you produce something similar for your website especially if you’re looking for video background for website inspiration!  Contact us here to find out more.