Our production team recently teamed up with Warwick Castle’s marketing department to work on their promotional project celebrating the 950th anniversary of the medieval attraction.  The team at Warwick Castle commissioned an art piece, called a social mosaic, to be created depicting an image of William the Conqueror made entirely out of individual photographs.  Our role in the project was to time lapse film the installation of the art piece as members of the public stuck their photographs on to the canvas to create the final picture.

In addition our brief was to create a promotional video for the whole day’s activity which included interviews with some of the children who were sticking their photos onto the canvas as well as the head of history at Warwick Castle who was explaining the story behind William the Conqueror’s connection to the castle.  Members of the public were invited to take selfies, print them out and then stick them on to the canvas in one of the rooms at the castle. 

As the photos were added throughout the day, the final image of The footage was filmed over a five hour period and our production team were also tasked with preparing the time lapse footage in a few hours so that ITV Central News could use it in their evening news bulletin.  While the final video still needs to be created for Warwick Castle’s marketing team to use on their social media channels the tight turnaround was achieved by our team who edited the footage on site ready for the Central News crew.

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The final video which will include the interviews as well as the complete time lapse footage will be produced shortly by our editing team for distribution on the Warwick Castle social media channels while the news report was shown by Central News on 27th March during their 6.30pm bulletin.