Screen shot 2017 11 19 at 20. 53. 04 300x149 1Warwick Castle’s marketing team have worked with us to produce some seasonal promotional videos to attract visitors the medieval tourist attraction this autumn and winter.  As the Merlin Entertainments owned attraction looks to target more families this year, they have commissioned us to create promotional videos for the recent Halloween activities at the castle as well as their Christmas offering.

Screen shot 2017 11 20 at 14. 15. 03 300x154 1Although the two promotional videos have a distinctly different feel and style to them, from a video marketing perspective they have both been created to achieve the same results.  Each video is showing elements of the events and activity that are taking place at Warwick Castle but leave enough of a mystery to encourage visitors to the attraction.  Created solely with a video marketing campaign in mind, our production team worked with Warwick Castle to decide on which were the key scenes to shoot and what was the best way to give a good representation of what visitors can expect.

Visit The Haunted Castle this weekend! 😈👻💀🎃
Evening tickets from just £16pp – it gets scarier after dark.

— Warwick Castle (@WarwickCastle) October 26, 2017

The promotional videos were created for use across all of Warwick Castle’s digital channels with a particular focus on Facebook as this is seen as a key platform for the attraction’s target audience and, of course, the Warwick Castle website.

CMA Video director, Adam Snelleksz was delighted to be involved in the project:

“This is fantastic for the team at CMA Video because it allows us to look at not only the video production element of a campaign but also the video marketing side to it too.  The promotional videos have been created not just with a brief to capture what’s going on but, more importantly, with the overall video marketing campaign in mind.  It’s great for us to demonstrate the video marketing element to the service we provide with such a well known, prestigious household name like Warwick Castle.”

Screen shot 2017 11 20 at 14. 13. 24 300x147 1The promotional videos are to be utilised by Warwick Castle not only for this year but they are also planning a re-edit with some different images and footage so that they can be used next year as well.  From a video marketing perspective they have also asked our video marketing team to look at additional platforms such as YouTube pre-roll adverts, Facebook advertising and embedding the videos into an email campaign.

Our video marketing service is a bespoke marketing service designed specifically for each client.  We look at video content, the actual video production and the distribution of the videos according to aims, objectives and the target audience.  We work with businesses of all sizes to get the best from their promotional videos and our service includes everything from video SEO to video campaign design and delivery and also results and analysis.

To find out more contact us on 0121 551 2079, email us at or visit our video marketing strategy page for more information