This might sound like an odd thing to ask coming from a video production company but its something that we at CMA Video believe is always a valid first question.

Video production companies like us can (and do) bombard you with all the marketing video stats that a quick Google search can throw up like:

  • You Tube is the world’s second biggest search engine
  • Video keeps visitors on your website for longer
  • Shoppers who viewed video are 174% more likely to purchase than viewers who did not (Retail Touchpoints)
  • Online video now accounts for 50% of all mobile traffic (Bytemobile Mobile Analytics Report)
  • 34% of shoppers are more likely to purchase after viewing an online video ad (ReelSEO)
You get the picture and we could go on. But before you get to all the stats, firstly consider this – does any of this actually relate to YOUR business. These are all valid video marketing research facts and figures and video production companies are all justified and correct in using them but video is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution.  Do you even want your video to do these kind of things?

To begin with, does your target market respond to video? If your audience doesn’t consume video as a communication method then is it the best way to reach them?

What are your marketing aims and objectives? Is video the best medium to help your business achieve these? Can they even be achieved through video?

What channels are you looking to use to communicate? Does video sit well with those channels?

What is your call to action (if there is one)? Will a video prompt your target audience to act?

This isn’t about turning anyone off video but its important that, like any marketing asset, it is absolutely right for what you want to say, how you want to say it and who you are talking to. We can tell you all the amazing things that a well made corporate video production can do and we can show you examples of how a video for business can really help get the right results but unless you are sure that its really what you need and you’re not just getting a marketing video made because the competition has one then think carefully before you take the plunge.

Think about whether you are looking to create a website video, a video for social media, a promotional video or something else. Also try to think around what you can use video for – video testimonials come across really well and event filming is a great way of capturing what has taken place for those that might have missed it. Training videos and how to videos are also great for getting across key information in an engaging way but always consider your audience first, then decide if video is right for them and for you.

If are thinking of creating a marketing video or any kind of video for your business, come and talk to us at CMA Video and we’ll help you make the right choice to create a video production that really works for you.