At a time when the world is having to adapt to the way that almost everything is done, marketing your business is an area that is evolving all the time. Whether you are in the B2C or B2B sectors, there are new and exciting ways to deliver a marketing campaign that really hits home with your audience. Video services have been a large part of any marketer’s strategy for a while now but a different approach is needed to adapt to the new way of working.

Filming is not out of the question and we have filmed many of our clients while observing the correct safety procedures and rules but it’s important to have other options available too. We have three options here that may work for you and your business to make sure that you stay visible online and you maintain that video strategy that has helped your business in the digital marketplace.

Video Services – Live Streaming

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As congregating in large groups won’t be happening for a while, many organisations are looking at different ways to host events and connect with staff and customers. While shows, expos and conferences cannot physically take place, there is a different option. Live streaming services are making virtual get togethers very much possible and we can help make it happen. There are plenty of platforms available to host a live stream service and we have the capabilities to link in to these to make it a seamless operation but we can also provide the content element too.

Our studio means that you can effectively have your own event filmed with a host, guests even entertainment ready to be broadcast to your audience.  We can do this live or even as a pre-recorded production that is broadcast ‘as live’ so that the scariness of a live broadcast is taken away!  We are currently working on an hour long awards event that will feature a presenter, a band, speeches and the announcement of the winners of awards with the idea of making the viewers feel like they are in the room even when they are not. 

This concept works for just as well for annual conferences and even virtual expos and our clients have found that it is a really good way of connecting to their audience under the current restrictions whether they are internal or external.  You can also add in elements of interaction so that the audience remains engaged ranging from chat and comments during the broadcast through to social media engagement.  We’ve even seen clients send out packs in the post including food, drink and treats for the audience to have during the broadcast.  However you choose to do it, the streaming video services mean that you don’t have to be too disengaged with your customers at this time.

Video Services – Animation

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The use of animation has increased massively over the past six months because it can be done remotely and is one of the video services that requires no contact or physical filming. We have carried out a number of animation video projects without actually meeting the client with everything being communicated over email or video conference calls.

It’s a perfect way of reinforcing a brand, being visually engaging and communicating key messages.  Our animators can visualise what your message is, what you are trying to say and help to convey it in the best possible way and it also means that you aren’t limited to the confines of what can or can’t be filmed.  If you want to show a rocket taking off and flying around the earth then we can do that, the budget to film that might be a bit higher though!

Once you add in a voice over, then you have an ideal marketing video that can be used almost anywhere online.  It overcomes any restrictions that filming presents and because it’s mainly image based it can overcome language barriers too.  We are currently working on a project with Amazon which is being used across their international markets and the animated elements are all staying the same with just the voice over changing into the local language.  It’s a really cost effective way of using the same video content across different world markets.

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Such is the issue with physical filming at the moment, even music artists are taking to animation to use as their music videos to accompany their songs. It means that they can still release tracks on visual platforms without the hassle of filming during these restricted times. Artists like Dua Lipa, Stormzy and The Weekend have all taken to releasing animated videos with their latest songs.

Another great benefit of creating an animated video is that you can tackle more sensitive subjects in a way that live action and filming can’t. People video services, animation videodon’t seem to be offended so much when a message is delivered by animation and the the subject matter can be somewhat watered down when it’s in cartoon format. Why do you think The Simpsons and Family Guy have got away with it for so long!

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This animated video for men’s boxer shorts tackles a subject that may be perhaps not so easy to talk about or could easily offend but when it is presented in this animation format, it actually comes across as humorous and everyone gets the message. It is definitely worth thinking about if you have a tricky subject that you need to communicate.

Video Services – Repurposing content

Our third option is one that you already have – it’s video content that already exists. You may have footage or existing video from a previous video marketing campaign that can easily be repurposed. Putting different messaging on can bring it back to life or give it new meaning but, again, it negates the need for filming. Our videos services include just editing and we do it for many clients – it can either be footage that we hold because we have filmed for you before or even footage that you send to us from your own library or another video production company has produced for you. With simple overlays of new graphics, messaging, music or a voice over you can have a brand new video campaign from existing footage. Not only does it mean that there is a cost saving on a re-editing job it also means that you can reinforce brand identity with shots that your customers will recognise and resonate with.

We have worked with some of our clients for a long time and have built up a large bank of footage they often reuse to good effect. They even find that there is footage that never actually made it into the final cut of their promotional videos so it’s like having brand new footage to use.

So, the physical restrictions of not being able to film doesn’t mean that you need to stop carrying out your video marketing strategy.  It just needs a rethink on what you can do.  It’s worth noting that filming is still a possibility and all of our team have undergone training for producing and working in clean, safe sets.  We always ensure that the correct procedures on equipment, cleaning and safe spaces are observed to make filming in person as safe as it can be while following the Government’s recommendations and guidelines.  But if that is not an option then there are ways around it.  We are always happy to discuss what the best option would be for your circumstances and advise on what video services can help you achieve your goals.  To book in a call with one of our team contact us here or email

Blog writer: Adam Snelleksz is a director of CMA Video and has worked in marketing for over 20 years.  He has worked in video production in Birmingham for five years with CMA Video and has been using video for marketing for nearly 10 years.  He also set up the video TV channel Blues TV, the official online channel of Birmingham City Football Club.  Some of the projects that Adam has used promotional videos for include the Birmingham Half Marathon, the European Gymnastics Championships and the World BMX Championships.

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Our video marketing blogs have been recognised as one of the Top 50 Video Marketing Blogs on the internet.  We hope you enjoy reading them and gain valuable insights into what we do here at CMA Video and show that we’re not just another Birmingham video production company but we do more from animation videos to event filming, video strategy to social media video campaigns.

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