Youtube g3d79a9b20 640 smallStarting video marketing for your business can involve many different elements to consider.  Starting with a plan of action from how you’re going to make the videos through to what you’re going to do with them is a good place to start – you can read our blog on how to start video marketing for your business here.  We’ve got some video marketing tips that you should consider and can help get you on your way with effective video to promote your business.

These video marketing tips can help to make your videos work even harder for you.  Follow these handy hints and you’ll be on to a winning formula with your video marketing campaign.

1 Choose A Suitable Title

There’s two reasons for this.  Firstly, the right title will point your viewers to exactly what the video is about.  This will mean that you should get quality views  rather than people stumbling on your video and leaving unsatisfied.  Secondly, the right title with the right keyword phrases will ensure that it appears in search engine listings so if your audience are searching for something specific, the video will appear in the results.

2 Know Your Audience

If you know who you are targeting and what they are looking for then it means that you can create a video that talks directly to them.  Instead of trying to catch as many people as possible, talk to the ones that you really want and engage with them.  If you know how they consume video content too then this can shape the type of videos you make.  For instance are they willing to watch longer in depth videos or is the audience more likely to respond to quick, short form content?  Once you know who you’re making it for, the creation of the videos can take the right direction.

3 Create A Great Introduction

The way that content is consumed these days means that viewers will make a decision within the first four seconds about whether they want to watch the video.  Blame YouTube ads for this as they originally put the Skip after four seconds button on their adverts.  If you’re video content is on social media, it could be even fewer seconds as the viewers keep scrolling through their timeline.  So if you can get to the point in the first couple of seconds or at least create something that holds your attention then you’re half way to keeping the viewer there.

4 Tell a story

Don’t underestimate the power of telling a story with you video.  It may be a factual or informative type video but if you can weave in a story that they viewer can relate to then you’ll catch their attention.  It also makes the video more memorable and more likely to stay with the viewer if there is something they can relate to.

5 Add Subtitles

Many videos online are played without the sound, especially on social media so adding subtitles is vital.  Some social platforms will add the subtitles for you if you don’t put them on when you make the video.

6 Optimise For Every Platform

Make sure that you resize the video for each platform that you are using it especially for social media.  In addition to the standard landscape layout you may need a square version for Instagram and a portrait version for stories, reels and channels. like TikTok.  This handy guide is regularly updated and provides the dimensions of what you need to know for however you’re using your video.

7 Think About The Music

This is often one of the trickiest parts of the final video, purely because it’s so subjective.  Taking into account the pace of the video, the subject matter and where it’s going to be used is one thing.  But also there’s personal preferences from the person who’s editing the video, the person who’s commissioned the video and most importantly, the people who are going to be watching the video.  Royalty free music is generally a safe option so that there’s no fees to pay for commercial tracks but stock music can be a bit boring and cheesy.  But trust us, the music can literally make or break your video content. 

8 Look At What’s Trending

There’s nothing wrong with jumping on a bandwagon and taking advantage of the popularity.  If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em so keep an eye out for what is working.  You might not like it (I’m talking about those awful sea shanty videos) but if it’s what the world is responding to then take advantage.  Just make sure you do it well because it could backfire.

9 What’s The Call To Action?

If you’ve put all that effort in to creating your video and making it look good, engaging with your viewers and getting your core message across then you want an end result too.  Being explicit and obvious about what you want your viewer to do is just what you need for a call to action.  It could be to visit a website, pick up the phone, physically come in and see you.  Whatever it is that you want them to do, make sure you tell them so they can act upon it.

10 Post Consistently

One thing that you need to think about is making sure you keep posting and keep engaging with your audience.  Too many times in the past we have seen clients make a video and then just let it sit there waiting for people to come and find it.  To keep your audience interested, keep the content coming so they have fresh new things to watch all the time.  There’s a balance between too much and spamming them and not doing it enough but just make sure there’s a steady flow of content that your audience is seeing.  Our blog about the value of consistent content and video retainers is worth reading to see the value in consistent posting


Video campaign filming for flr group
video campaign filming for FLR Group

If you pay attention to these video marketing tips then you won’t go far wrong in creating content that works, gets found and keeps your audience engaged with you.  Lots of little video marketing tips like this can all add up to making a big difference. 

If you’re looking at creating a video marketing campaign for your business and would like to look at the bigger picture, not just the video production element then get in touch and we’d love to have a chat with you.

Blog writer: Adam Snelleksz is a director of CMA Video and has worked in marketing for over 20 years. He has worked in video production in Birmingham for five years with CMA Video and has been using video for marketing for nearly 10 years. He also set up the video TV channel Blues TV, the official online channel of Birmingham City Football Club. Some of the projects that Adam has used promotional videos for include the Birmingham Half Marathon, the European Gymnastics Championships and the World BMX Championships. Contact Adam here.

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Our video marketing blogs have been recognised as one of the Top 50 Video Marketing Blogs on the internet. We hope you enjoy reading them and gain valuable insights into CMA Video and show that we’re not just another Birmingham video production company but we do more from animation videos to event filming, video strategy to social media video campaigns.

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