Screen shot 2017 05 24 at 13. 27. 54 300x145 1We have been commissioned to produce a university marketing video for a brand new degree course being offered to undergraduates in September 2018.  Birmingham City University’s (BCU) business school has designed and created a brand new events based course and is looking to promote the course for the new student intake in 18 months time.

After considering the target audiences and the best manner in which to engage with them, the course leaders decided that a university marketing video would be the most effective way of communicating their key messages.  We also decided that different approaches would be required for different audiences so a longer, more detailed video was produced specifically for university open days where parents will be in the audience.  This video focuses on some of the key issues that have been identified as important to parents such as the job prospects for the students if they study this degree, the standard of facilities and credibility and experience of the course leaders.  In addition there is a testimonial from the chief executive of the Genting Group (Resorts Worldcasinoshotels) to add some credibility to the quality and usefulness of the course.

Two me side by sideThe second series of videos are focused on the students and young people.  These are specifically created to be shorter videos for use on social media and focus on just one key point at a time.  Both sets of videos feature the two course leaders talking about the course and what it will involve.

There are five key points which the course leaders at BCU were keen to get across:

  1. The course can kickstart a career
  2. The course is led by industry experts
  3. The course will provide practical experience
  4. The university itself
  5. The city of Birmingham

The curzon building

These university marketing video strategies are designed to appeal to two separate audiences but are communicating the same key messages, taking into account the different ways that the two distinctly different audiences consume media and information.  Each video has a specific call to action as well which is to contact the university with regards to finding out more information about how to apply for the course.

Whether its a university marketing video, a corporate video or a business promotional video the principles are the same and its vitally important to know and understand who you are talking to.  Our video marketing expert, Adam, can advise on a video marketing strategy and build a video marketing plan that will suit your target audience, budget and goals and objectives.  You can contact Adam here or call the CMA Video office on 0121 551 2079.