UK Central, Solihull’s inward investement initiative has commissioned CMA Video to carry out the second part of their video marketing activity as the project moves into its next stage of promotion.  Following the creation of the promotional video that features key locations and attractions in the borough, the next stage is to showcase business leaders as advocates of the initiative.

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The programme of interviews features some of the most prominent business leaders and organisations in Solihull as we undertook a schedule of visiting each ambassador and interviewing them on the impact of the scheme from different points of view.  Starting with Paul Kehoe, Chief Executive at Birmingham Airport other ambassadors of UK Central are Paul Thandi of the NEC, John Callaghan of Solihull College, Andy Cole from Touchwood shopping centre and many more.

The series of videos are aimed at promoting the UK Central initiative and more importantly showing the backing that business leaders in the area are giving to the UK Central scheme.  Each ambassador is addressing different elements of the project ranging from the investment opportunities for businesses to relocate to the area to the connectivity benefits that HS2 and the transport links will bring as well as benefits and opportunities to the local community across the Solihull area.

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These are effectively a series of testimonial videos and it was felt that videos of their ambassadors talking about their passion and backing for Solihull and UK Central would be more engaging than simple written testimonials as they plan to distribute the videos across social media and also use them as, effectively, sales tools for inward investment from the UK and abroad.  As the UK Central team prepares to visit potential investors from around the world, its hoped that these videos as well as our original marketing video for the region will help to sway global companies towards investing in the UK Central project.

To find out more about the UK Central project click here and to see how we can help bring your project or initiative to life with a marketing video or testimonial videos contact us here.