Cma video lite showcase video
CMA Video Lite showcase video

Upcycling and restoration business, Doobry Firkin, are one of the first businesses to experience our new video production service in Birmingham and the West Midlands – CMA Video Lite.  Aimed at small businesses, sole traders and micro businesses, the showcase videos are the perfect opportunity to get a business seen online on social media channels, websites and other digital channels.

Working with business who are aware of the power of video but may not have the budget or know where to start, our showcase videos allow business owners to dip their toe in the water using video marketing.

The video production is designed to be as simple as possible that allows for businesses to show what they do in a short video that customers and potential customers will view online.  Business owners can appear in the video to talk about their business offering but if they don’t want to, we can also provide a presenter to appear in the video instead.

Filming lasts for approximately three hours which gives our video production team enough time to get any interviews and film the key areas of the business from premises to products.

Cma video lite showcase video
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Each video will feature royalty free music meaning you can use it anywhere online and a call to action at the end of the video so the viewers will know what to do once they’ve watched it.  We’ll even do a second version of the video which includes subtitles so the videos can be watched on social media with the sound turned down.

The price for the full video production is just £795 including VAT. If you’d like some more information or are thinking about a video production to showcase what your business is all about then get in touch and we’ll talk you through what you need.