Our latest Sea Life Centre video takes us to the coast again. Having worked with Birmingham, Great Yarmouth and Manchester Sea Life Centres the Weymouth Sea Life Centre video brought new challenges and a new approach. The Weymouth centre is predominantly outside with a series of indoor display pods with creatures ranging from an octopus, penguins and, the focus of this video, rays.
The video shows how the staff and curators at the centre go about moving and rehoming the cow nose rays from ensuring that the animals are moved safely to looking at their new habitat and making sure that it is fit for purpose.
The video is one of a series of Sea Life Stories videos that features news and quirky happenings at Sea Life Centres across the country following on from this video about Ozzy the Eel at the Birmingham centre.
This particular Sea Life Centre video featured challenges regarding lighting the individual display pods in Weymouth which are naturally very dark and also ensuring that the creatures are filmed accurately to capture all of the key moments.