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Beauty salon Omarosa have started their retail video marketing journey with a promotional video that gives a quick overview of the business and what they are all about.  With the user habits of consumers changing all the time, the Shirley based business has embraced video as a means to communicate to new customers in an extremely competitive industry.

With the high street facing new challenges all the time, its important that bricks and mortar businesses find a way to combine online marketing with getting customers through the door and our retail video marketing service is a great fit.  CMA Video marketing director, Adam Snelleksz said:

“This is the perfect case study for our retail video offer.  We have put this service together to help and enable retailers on the high street to combine online and offline activity.  There seems to be a shift in consumer habits where pre-purchase research is conducted online before customers physically visit a retail establishment and this is what the retail video marketing activity is all about.  Video is the best way to accurately represent your business online as it gives viewers a glimpse of what they expect in a much more engaging way than still photographs can.”

After we met with Omarosa, they were keen to use video to promote their business online and embrace the way that their target audience behave and buy.  With this industry being such a competitive sector, they were keen to stand out from the competition and give the business an increased chance of being found online in Google searches.

The video itself features the salon owner, Paz Kular, as well as a customer testimonial.  There was also a need to show the facilities of the salon and to highlight some of the brands that Omarosa uses in its treatments.  All in all, its a video that communicates all of the key messages of the business and will leave the viewer with an excellent overview of the business which will help to drive customers through the door.  The video will be hosted on their website as well as being used across all of the social media channels.

To find out more details about retail video marketing and our £500 retail video service click here or contact us on 0121 260 6502 or