Animal free research uk lab
Animal Free Research UK

Medical research charity, Animal Free Research UK, has taken to using video to explain and highlight the activity that they undertake in medical research and most importantly how they do it.

Based around the notion that testing on animals is not needed in medical research and development, the organisation asked us to interview key members of the research project to outline what their latest project involves.  Our video production crew travelled to Nottingham University to capture all the relevant footage and soundbites.

Led by Professor Chris Denning, he explains how skin cells are ultimately turned into heart cells allowing for dedicated research into this particular area to progress significantly.

In addition, the video is further enhanced with interviews from a research student and also local MP, Lilian Greenwood.  Overall it allows for the story to be told in an effective way using different voices which ends with Carla Owen, the CEO of Animal Free Research UK.

As a corporate video production that can be used on social media channels, online and as a news resource this is the perfect way to keep an audience and stakeholders informed of updates and developments.  

Watch the full video here to find out more about the research and the project and to find out more about Animal Free Research UK, visit the website here.

Animal free research uk
Play Video about Animal Free Research UK

If you’re looking for something similar to document an event or occasion and need a video production to showcase what your business is doing then get in touch and we’ll talk you through your project.