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CMA Video has produced a property video for each of the new homes that are being built at a new development in Staffordshire.  The Trentham Manor development is one of the latest housing projects undertaken by St Modwen and the construction company is using video as a means of marketing the houses online. 

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Each property video focuses on a mixture of the design, fixtures and fittings and decoration of the separate houses with the high quality finish a major selling point.

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The featured homes are The Chichester, The Houghton and The Garnett and all of the videos have been used across St Modwen’s digital channels from the website to Facebook and more.  The videos have also helped with wider exposure as WhatHouse? included Trentham Manor in its’ top 10 best new home developments in the West Midlands

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To watch one of the videos click above or to see all of them on the St Modwen website click here.

Property Video Portfolio

The St Modwen property video project is one of several construction and property video works we are currently involved with.  We are working with Bovis Homes on a time lapse construction video as well as a number of projects with Carillion based around the construction of a new hospital in Sandwell.

If you are looking for video based around a construction project or a property video for a new home development or an estate agent looking to present their portfolio of properties in an engaging and innovative way email us today.