As part of our developing relationship with Walsall based housing association, WHG we recently filmed their annual awards ceremony.  The event took place in spring and celebrated ‘local heroes’ who have contributed to their community and made a difference to the environment in which they live.

In preparation for the awards video shoot we worked closely with WHG to film footage in advance of the awards to enhance the on the night production.  To give the awards evening a professional feel our pre-awards video shoot involved recording soundbites from all of the nominees which were played on the night itself as the nominations were revealed.

2 men against whg backdropThe video shoot itself took place two weeks before the awards evening, held at Walsall FC’s football ground, and our editing team subsequently produced a series of 30 second clip videos.  Each video consisted of the nominee talking about their experience and their achievement.  The clips were then shown as they nominees were announced on the evening.  WHG added this element to their awards evening this year to add value to event and to create an atmosphere similar to the glitzy awards evenings on TV. 

Overall it was felt that it enhanced their evening presentation and added to atmosphere of the event. Our event filming team work on events of all types and sizes and can produce footage prior to an event or awards evening as well as filming at the actual event as well.  To arrange a video shoot or for advice on how to film and prepare for filming your event visit our events page or contact us now on 0121 551 2079 or