Our video production team has started working with a major running brand to produce social media videos and information videos to help develop the company’s online presence as well as their sales and information process too.  The use of video content for the company has evolved to the point of needing a video production agency to produce the required level and quality of video content.

The video content is intended to be a mixture of event based activity and information type videos to educate internal and external stakeholders on the products and upcoming campaigns.  As well as producing the social media videos and other video content, we are involved in the planning and idea generation around the videos to help produce a consistent video marketing campaign that serves the needs and meets the objectives of the business.  Social media videos form a significant part of the campaign with an intended shift to ‘home grown’, organically produced content that meets the needs of the target audience and communicates the key messages and brand philosophies of the business.

The Instagram post below is an example of the type of content we have already begun to produce which featured influencers and key figures in the running world who were invited to a launch event at the company’s headquarters.  The post coincided with similar launch events across the world with social media videos documenting the events in Germany and France amongst other territories.

As with most social media activity, the use of people in any posts always goes down well and the video content we are looking to produce will heavily feature people using and enjoying the running products in order to connect with the audience.


We’ve worked with a number of businesses to create a social media videos and general video content to improve their online and social media presence.  It can range from organic content to event based video production and paid ads on social platforms.  If you’d like to find out more then get in touch and we’ll talk you through your project and how we can help with your video marketing requirements.