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Our production team enjoyed a pre-Christmas trip to the headquarters of Costa Coffee to film and internal staff video for one of the largest coffee shop chains in the country. Costa engaged with us to create an in depth video detailing their digital transformation journey and the challenges and successes they had seen in the process.

Having recently been taken over by Coca Cola, Costa faced the challenge of transferring their IT system from previous owners, Whitbread to the Coca Cola IT system. 

The success of the transformation was so good that they felt that they needed a staff video to demonstrate what the process had been and where they had learned from it.  Our production team interviewed senior management both from Coca Cola and from Costa to get the views of the two sides and how the systems were integrated.  Nearly 20 executives were interviewed during the filming day and the final video needs to feature all of the interviewees as they all gave a particular insight into their experience of the IT migration.  Due to the fact that it is a staff video that needs to communicate several key messages to the Costa and Coca Cola staff, the length of the video will be significantly longer than something that we would usually produce but after our initial discussions with the Costa team, it was agreed that this style and length of video was suitable for their requirements.

Talking about the work with Costa, CMA Video director Adam Snelleksz said:

We were delighted to bring Costa onboard to our client portfolio.  It’s a household name that can literally be found on every high street up and down the country and working with the team at Costa was a real pleasure.  Producing this staff video gave us a real insight into how the company communicates to its employees and what their plans are moving forward for further staff communications.  We are looking forward to working with them again in the future.

Producing this staff video for Costa demonstrated how large companies are using video as a means to communicate internally to employees showing that it’s not just about outward promotion with video content but it can be a really effective way of promoting ideas and initiatives internally too. The majority of our video production projects are customer facing but it’s interesting to see that internal stakeholders are marketed to in the same way as well.

For more information on our video production service in Birmingham or across the UK, contact our team to discuss your project.