CMA Video has been filming more Gentoo penguins after a new colony of the birds arrived at the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham.  Two years after the original batch of Gentoo penguins came to the Penguin Ice Adventure in Birmingham, this new colony of six will be keeping the current residents company.

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These Gentoo penguins arrived from Canada, making the 4,268 mile journey from Calgary Zoo and will be integrated into Sea Life Birmingham’s Breed, Rescue, Protect programme.  Our filming started with the arrival of the penguins after being transported from Heathrow and then the process of registering them at the centre including weighing and measuring each bird before they were released into their new home.  Interviews with their keeper who has travelled from Canada with them as well as the keeper at the Sea Life Centre completed the promotional video package ready for editing and distribution.

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We were delighted to be involved in the filming of the penguins after filming the whole construction project in 2014 which involved the builiding of a brand new ice themed enclosure.  Our filming of the second generation of Gentoo penguins was commissioned by Sea Life Birmingham to produce a short promotional video about the penguins as well as producing and editing the footage for use by TV news outlets.

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To watch our previous films about Sea Life Centre, the penguin arrival in Birmingham including the timelapse video click here.