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video for seo

Video is a powerful tool for improving SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and driving traffic to your website. When done right, video for SEO can improve your website’s ranking on search engine results pages, increase engagement and retention, and improve your brand’s online visibility. In this article, we will explore why video is good for SEO and how you can use it to improve your website’s ranking.

Video for SEO – Increases engagement and retention

Video content is a powerful way to keep your audience engaged on your website. It is an engaging and interactive medium that can convey information and ideas in a way that text and images cannot. Video can grab the attention of your audience, keep them interested and lead them to stay on your site for longer periods of time. Search engines such as Google take into account engagement and retention as a metric for determining the quality of your website, and videos can help you improve these metrics.

Video for SEO – Provides rich and diverse content

Search engines like Google love rich and diverse content on your website. Video is a powerful way to add this type of content to your website. It can be used to demonstrate products, provide explanations of complex topics, showcase customer testimonials, or share industry news. This rich and diverse content will provide more opportunities to rank for keywords and improve your website’s ranking.

Computer showing coding for video for seo
video for seo


Video for SEO – Helps with link building

Backlinks are a critical aspect of SEO. Links from other websites to your website signal to search engines that your website is authoritative and relevant. Video content is a great way to attract backlinks. People love to share videos, and if you create a great video, other websites will likely link back to your site. This can improve your website’s authority and help improve your ranking on search engine results pages.

Video for SEO – Increases social signals

Social media is an important aspect of SEO. Social signals refer to the engagement and activity around your content on social media platforms. Video content is highly shareable and can increase social signals. If people are sharing your videos on social media platforms, it will signal to search engines that your content is relevant and valuable. This can help improve your website’s ranking.

Video for SEO – Helps with mobile optimisation

Mobile optimisation is an important aspect of SEO. Mobile devices tend to be used more than desktop computers for accessing the internet. Video content is highly compatible with mobile devices, and it is easier to consume than text content on a mobile device. This can help improve your website’s mobile optimisation, which will improve your website’s ranking on mobile search engine results pages.

In conclusion, video is a powerful tool for improving SEO. It can increase engagement and retention, provide rich and diverse content, help with link building, increase social signals, and improve mobile optimisation. To improve your website’s SEO, you should consider incorporating video content into your website’s strategy. This will help you improve your website’s ranking on search engine results pages and drive more traffic to your website.

Blog writer: Adam Snelleksz is a director of CMA Video and has worked in marketing for over 20 years. He has worked in video production in Birmingham for five years with CMA Video and has been using video for marketing for nearly 10 years. He also set up the video TV channel Blues TV, the official online channel of Birmingham City Football Club. Some of the projects that Adam has used promotional videos for include the Birmingham Half Marathon, the European Gymnastics Championships and the World BMX Championships. Contact Adam here.

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