Our production team provided a filming service for a major European project at the University of Birmingham in collaboration with a Belgian video production company.  After finding us through our website, the Belgian video company searched for video production in Birmingham and approached us to collaborate on a project that they were working on in Brussels.  Due to the restrictions on travel, they weren’t able to send a video production team to Birmingham so they looked at us to provide the filming service that they needed.

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Working on a film for the European Research Council (ERC), filming had taken place across Europe with the final element of filming required at the University of Birmingham.  Our team visited the campus to film Professor Konstantinos Nikolopoulos of the Particle Physics Research Group with a short interview being conducted and a series of cutaway shots filmed showing him in and around the university. 

 The footage was filmed and then cleaned up by our editors including some colour correction treatment, audio treatment and general editing so it was ready to be slotted in to the final film.

The video will ultimately be used across Europe to demonstrate some of the work the that the ERC undertakes and also show the collaborative work across Europe with different institutions in different countries.  This type of filming service work is not something new to us as work with many marketing agencies and other organisations providing a filming only service that means we just follow a brief and present the footage to the client.  They will then edit the footage themselves or simply use it for internal purposes.  In addition a filming service, we also provide the same function as an editing service where the client provides us with existing footage and we create the required videos from their brief.

If you are looking for a similar type of filming service or editing then contact us for more information.  We are able to provide a simple set up of a camera operator or a full production team depending on your requirements.