As part of our ongoing work with Toppa, the elearning platform that will be launching in 2020, we filmed Alan Barratt this week for more business focused content.  Alan Barratt is the founder of Grenade, the chocolate/nutrition bar company based in Solihull that has seen rapid success and growth in just a few years.  Our production team went to Grenade’s headquarters in Solihull and filmed Alan giving his advice and tips on his business story.

The interviews with Alan focused on two main subject areas – Disrupting the Market and Growth and Mindset and the videos formed two elearning video courses which will be available to Toppa subscribers once the elearning app launches in Spring 2020. 

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 A third subject area was also filmed which was based around the Alan Barratt story and his general thoughts on business matters that affect would be entrepreneurs today. In addition to filming Alan talking to camera, our team also captured the Grenade premises to capture the staff and the ethos of the business. In addition to our usual crew, CMA Video director Adam Snelleksz was there along with John Loveday and Paul Hood from Toppa. Commenting on the filming, Adam said:

“Having read about Alan Barratt and his story over the last couple of years it was a great experience to meet and interview him.  What really stood out was how ‘down to earth’ he was and very accommodating of us all as we filmed him in his office.  Most of all, it was the most interesting and inspiring interview that I’ve done working for CMA Video as we learnt about Alan’s story, his business philosophies and his tips and advice.  We were lucky enough to hear it all first hand but the final Toppa course videos will be an amazing insight into this entrepreneur’s thoughts.”

The filming comes after a series of other Toppa instructors has been captured to add to the Toppa content library.  Toppa is an app based elearning platform which aims to change the way the world learns about business through short video content that can be accessed through online platforms.  As shareholders in the business we have been involved in the venture from the start and have filmed the likes of leisure tycoon, David Lloyd along with local entrepreneurs who have provided courses on their specialist areas.  With the tagline ‘learn from the best in the business’, the aim is to get big names from the world of industry to provide courses and content for subscribers to learn from people who have literally been there and done it themselves.  Bringing Alan Barratt on board is a huge coup for Toppa and will lead to other respected business people coming on board to be Toppa instructors.  If you are interested in Toppa, you can view the website here and find out how to subscribe, when we are launching and generally stay updated.