Drivers m8 logoOne of our recent projects has seen our production team travel to Oxfordshire to film a series of explainer videos for Riders Mate, a company that specialises in safety products aimed at travellers who may get into distress.  The products are GPS led technology that assist drivers, motorbike riders, sailors and more if they have an accident or are in distress.

Img 20170223 121333 018 300x300 1Based near to the European Space Agency (ESA) facilities and part of the ESA incubation programme, the products work with almost any vehicle and operate on a global scale.  Our explainer videos are being used to demonstrate the concept of how the systems work for potential investors and also any retail organisation looking to buy and stock the system for sale.  The explainer videos feature the road vehicle version called Drivers Mate and the marine version called Ecall Marine.  From a corporate video perspective, the content of these productions does differ as the most important objective of the videos is to inform the viewer of the key information that they need to know which calls for a more technical marketing content approach than a promotional video production which is aimed at the broader general public. 

In this case however, the team at Riders Mate have approached the whole video production in the perfect manner.  They have identified their target audience and provided the functional information that the target audience need to know.

Car dashboard with productThe use of explainer videos is an ideal method of communicating ‘need to know’ information in an engaging way and can assist the target audience in making a more informed decision.  Its also perfect to demonstrate the product or service in action rather than attempting to describe it with text only.  Many of our clients are now finding this genre of corporate video is an extremely useful way of turning potentially dry content into something that engages and involves the viewer whilst communicating the key messages.

Our video production team in Birmingham are able to travel across the country to film everything from marketing videos to social media videos and also event filming and corporate video production.  If you are looking for explainer videos like this or any other type of video production then contact us here on 0121 551 2079 or click here for the contact us page.