Disability sportSport Birmingham’s celebration of disability sport, the Birmingham Inclusive Sports Festival took place again this summer and we filmed the whole event for the seventh year in a row.  The event was held at the University of Birmingham’s sports centre on the campus in Selly Oak and it featured sports and activities taking place not just in the sports hall but across much of the university’s sports facilities.

First established in 2012 at the Alexander Stadium in Birmingham, the sports Disability sportfestival has grown significantly to become an inclusive sports festival with the aim of sporting activities that disabled and abled bodied sports enthusiasts can take part in together.  The festival is an opportunity for anyone to try out a new sport, find out about local clubs or just simply come along and have some fun with the various sports on offer.  The focus is still on disability sport and some of the activities included wheelchair basketball, bocchia, archery, wheelchair abseiling and lots more.  In addition there are adapted versions of short tennis, cycling, hockey and football for all the participants to take part in.

Having worked with Sport Birmingham on this event since the very first one seven years ago, our video production team particularly look forward to filming this event every year.  Such is our involvement in the event that our team are familiar with many of the main figures of disability sport in Birmingham and each time we film the event, it’s like a mini reunion!  We are proud to have filmed the event for so many years and feel very much part of the proceedings and it’s a great reflection on our service  that we have filmed this for so many years.  We have filmed some of the biggest stars in paralympic sport over the years from wheelchair Wimbledon tennis champion Jordanne Whiley to runner ‘Blind’ Dave Heeley.

This disability sport event is just one part of an overall sport portfolio that our video production in Birmingham and around the country undertakes.  We have worked with sports clubs, colleges and many sporting events including world and european championships in gymnastics.  To see our work in sport and other areas, take a look at our portfolio page here.  For any other video production enquiries or to find out more about our video production company in Birmingham, contact us here.