Plantec Assist, a customer of CMA Video over three years ago, has returned to us to update and refresh their corporate video and promote their business online.  The motorbike specialist for after-accident care has bases in Southport and Dudley and is currently undergoing a review of its offline and online video marketing strategy and branding.

The original video, seen below, gave an overview of what the company does covering all of the different facets of the service provided.

This time around, instead of one long video, we have been working with the Plantec team to create a series of much shorter videos that focus on separate aspects of the service but in a shorter, sharper broken down video format.

“When we looked at the original video requirement back in 2012 the video that we produced was ideal for what Plantec were looking to achieve.  It was used on their website, in their reception area and at presentations.  However, now as we head into 2017, the video production and video marketing landscape has changed dramatically,” said CMA Video marketing manager, Adam Snelleksz.

The change in the video marketing landscape that Adam is referring to is predominantly based around social media and the use of mobile as a viewing platform.  Social media channels work on a quick turnaround of video content so the shorter the video with a more concise message, the better.  Attention spans are decreasing all of the time so the quicker any video marketing campaign can get a message across, the better.  In addition, mobile accounts for nearly two thirds of all video views and its estimated that this will be three quarters by next year so making these videos short enough that people can watch them on the go on their mobiles is also a key factor in video content and video length.

The shoot itself took place at Plantec’s Dudley centre and featured the repair workshop, the distribution centre and the offices. In total, five videos are being produced which will form the video marketing element of the overall digital marketing strategy.  The videos will be released soon along with the launch of the new website and social media channels.

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