Our video production team travelled to London recently for a creative project that involved dancing girls, an Uber taxi and filming in an historical, iconic venue amongst many other things!

Working with our clients, Gamma, the London based video production featured multiple locations and set ups for a light hearted opening video to the company’s conference at the Royal Institution in Mayfair.  The brief was a simple but challenging one, basically to replicate this video that was shown on TV’s The X Factor featuring Dermot O’Leary from a few years ago.

The Gamma version featured the MD of the company in the Dermot role and we filmed across London in several locations to create the journey of the MD from the Gamma offices to the Royal Institution, ready for the conference to begin.  The plan for the video is that it will be shown at the start of the conference to the audience and as the video ends, the MD will walk through the doors to demonstrate that he has arrived at that moment from his journey.

Filming began at the Gamma offices and included a whole host of staff members who featured in the scenes before a purple telephone box was used for a Superman style change of clothes.  An Uber taxi was then called and used as prop for the next section of the video.  Trendy restaurant and bar, Novikov was then used for the next location in Mayfair as scenes at the bar were shot including cocktails being served up.  Finally it was on to the Royal Institution for the scenes involving backing dancers (again, members of staff from Gamma).

Video productionVideo production

The entire video production was shot in just one day leaving little time to see the sights of London although the Gherkin was towering over the crew for a large part of the shoot.  The video was the first in a series of video production projects in London that our crew will be undertaking in the coming months and the feedback from our contact at Gamma was incredibly positive:

“I just wanted to say that Jack and Mitch did an absolutely brilliant job on the videos for our event. It was fun working with them on the day of filming, and the final cuts have surpassed our expectations – to say we are delighted with the result doesn’t do it justice. The camera angles, the edits, the flow, the colour correction, the sync is all fantastic – if that doesn’t get a big cheer at the end, nothing will! It looks totally professional and TV quality, so a big thank you from the marketing team at Gamma”

Despite being a Birmingham video production company, we work with clients across the UK and internationally too and our growing portfolio in London means that we are in the capital regularly working with companies in and around the south east.  To find out more about our video services, take a look at our previous work or contact us to find out how we can help you with your video project.