Our production team has worked on an awards video for the Birmingham Legal Awards, held at The ICC in March.  Organised by the Birmingham Law Society, the event celebrated the great and the good of the legal profession in the city including awards for Best Paralegal, Law Firm of the Year and Barrister of the Year amongst others.

Screen shot 2018 03 15 at 15. 19. 30 300x207 1Hosted by Emma Jesson, weather presenter on ITV, and featuring a speech by former Home Secretary, Lord Blunkett the awards featured 13 categories but our awards video featured only the highlights from the event.  The big winners were Anthony Collins Solicitors who won in four categories while the Lifetime Achievement award went to Mary Kaye of Shakespeare Martineau.

The awards video formed part of the video marketing retainer service that we are providing for Birmingham Law Society, filming on a monthly basis.  Each month a particular event is filmed and featured to promote the Society and the activities that they undertake.

For more information about our video marketing retainer service, take a look at our Video Marketing Services here