Birmingham law societyBirmingham Law Society worked with us again to produce a video celebrating 100 years of women in the law.  The milestone celebrations focused on women’s involvement in law and how their role has evolved over the last century.  We were asked by the Birmingham Law Society members to film conversations between female solicitors and the people who had helped or inspired them.

The conversations involved women of all ages and at all stages of their career and allowed them to nominate a particular person who had helped and inspired them on their career path.  It wasn’t just about women however as two people picked men as their mentors.  The conversations showed many highlights and insights into how people can inspire and motivate people, often without them realising that they were doing it.  Some of the videos included a daughter who had chosen her mother as her inspiration, a muslim woman who was the first female in her family to go to university and the now president of Birmingham Law Society who has stayed in touch with the woman who helped her in her first job and beyond.

Working with Birmingham Law Society again was great for us after filming their events for their 200th anniversary in 2018.  These celebrations of 100 years of women in law was another great project that showed the history of Birmingham Law Society from a different perspective.  We filmed all five conversations in full and edited these to show the whole conversation as well as producing a promotional video with highlights of the conversations.  The Law Society are also asking for other members, male and female, to send in short video clips of themselves saying thank you to someone who has been a mentor or inspiration to them.  This will then form a social media campaign for Birmingham Law Society in the coming months.

The highlights video can be seen here while the full conversations can be seen on the Birmingham Law Society website.  To find out how we can film a project for your business or organisation, contact us here.