Screen shot 2018 01 18 at 09. 48. 42 300x165 1Our production team and marketing team have been working with Birmingham Law Society to develop a video production retainer arrangement on a 12 month contract.  Focusing on their event video requirements, we will be filming throughout the year at various events that the society holds. This year is particularly special as it is the 200th anniversary of Birmingham Law Society and the culmination of our filming at the end of 2018 will see a special commemorative video produced.


Screen shot 2018 01 18 at 09. 49. 20 300x165 1Our first event video of the year saw our Birmingham video production team attend the Bicentenary church service at St. Philips cathedral.  The event began with a procession from 55 Colmore Row across to the cathedral where the Bishop of Birmingham greeted the worshippers.   The hour longservice was then followed by a drinks reception at the council House in Victoria Square.  Speeches by the president of Birmingham Law Society and the Lord Mayor of Birmingham were received by more than 100 members of the law society.

The final event video of the evening has been used by Birmingham Law Society across their digital channels to promote their activity.  Our video production team will be filming an event video each month for Birmingham Law Society as part of our video production retainer service, alternatively our event filming service can be found here.