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We’ve been working on a series of animated videos with Stratford based environmental solutions company, Valpak to create marketing videos that can help to explain some of the services they offer.  Valpak had looked at the animated videos route because the nature of some of the content was complicated and it was felt that an animated promotional video would help to communicate the key messages better than a more traditional corporate video production.

Screen shot 2017 09 20 at 22. 28. 25 300x229 1Our production team worked with the marketing team at Valpak to look at the best way to get the key messages across and a combination of animated assets and screenshots of the software packages was felt to be the most suitable.  Rather than using staff members from Valpak it was also felt that a voiceover would work well.  Whilst the subject matter is serious and quite technical it was also decided that animated videos would also take some of the dryness out of the subjects and, most importantly, engage the viewer while still getting the key messages across.

These are two of the videos that we have worked with the team at Valpak on and the marketing department are delighted not only with a new direction of promoting services within their business but also a new method of explaining what they do.  Their plan for distribution ranges from with sales people meeting potential clients to online and digital distribution ranging from YouTube to email.

If you are looking for animated videos or explainer videos that can tell your story about a product or service then contact our team now on 0121 551 2079 or