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Case Study

Sport Birmingham Commonwealth Games 2022 Baton Relay

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Working with Sport Birmingham, we created a video detailing the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games baton relay project in primary schools in the city.  Featuring Commonwealth and European Gymnastics Champion Dominick Cunningham, this video details how we approached the project and brought the project to life at schools across Birmingham.  The video formed part of the client’s video marketing strategy and they wanted to engage with a video production agency to take through the journey.

Case Study

Sea Life and Disney Finding Dory TV Advert - Making A 3D Fish

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Creating a TV advert that promoted the Sea Life Centres across the UK to coincide with the release of the Disney movie Finding Dory involved some significant animation work.  The client was looking for a video production agency to not only create the advert but also  work on the animation element too.  Our animation team was tasked with creating a 3D Blue Tang fish that would appear next to one of the actors in the advert and interact with the actor.  Here our animator explains about some of the work involved in creating the fish.