Screen shot 2017 08 25 at 16. 07. 18 300x144 1Heaven Sends, the wholesaler of quirky gifts and items for the home has worked with us to extend their online presence by adding a 360 tour to their website and digital offering.  Following the opening of the showroom at their premises in Birmingham (the launch event of which we also filmed), the 360 tour allows visitors to their website to see the extensive range of their product line before they come along. 

Most importantly, however, it also gives customers a preview of the newly opened showroom ahead of their visit so that buyers can see exactly what they are coming along to.

Having worked with Heaven Sends on a number of video projects including filming at the Spring and Autumn Fairs at the NEC, we worked with the marketing team to produce the 360 tour as a means to assist with the promotion of the newly created showroom.  Offering a combination of online and offline promotion it allows the company to demonstrate the size and scale of the facility and the product range for any potential and new customers preparing a visit.

The 360 tour allows visitors online to get an interactive experience and also links each of the product ranges to the relevant buying page on the website meaning that purchases can be made online if required as well.  It also allows the visitor to jump to the relevant sections that they are looking for and not navigate through the whole product range if they wish.  By far the largest range of products is the Christmas range and the tour has been broken down into the various sub-themes that the Heaven Sends Christmas range has to offer.

Fully approved and licensed by Google, the 360 tour option also adds valuable SEO to the website and is perfect for keeping visitors on websites for longer.  Marketing director of CMA Video, Adam Snelleksz said:

“The 360 tour offering is a fantastic addition to a website and is great for bringing together online and offline marketing.  Any bricks and mortar retailer could benefit from an addition like this to their website as it serves as a great hook to website visitors while also offering a genuine added value experience to customers.  We’re looking forward to creating more of these for forward thinking retailers and businesses in the coming weeks.”

Screen shot 2017 08 25 at 16. 08. 39 300x145 1The 360 tour can be added to a business’ Google maps reference giving all of the benefits that a Google streetview tour provides.  The added enhancement of the menu system and links back to the company website make the tours a truly customisable and interactive experience for the user.  Our service has also met the requirements of Google’s Trusted Programme meaning that it meets the required standards to deliver high quality virtual tours.

The tours can be found and used on a variety of platforms including Google Maps, Google Streetview and even on Virtual Reality platforms via the Google App.  It shows up great on mobile and not only can they be linked to the Google platforms but a 360 tour can also be embedded on to websites (just like above) and on social media channels too.  The flexibility of them makes them ideal for businesses of all types too.

For more information on a 360 tour for your business and to find out how to get a really interactive added element to your website to increase customer engagement and reduce bounce rate amongst other benefits contact us now on 0121 551 2079 or email us here.